To "Disguise" yourself actually means not being your usual self, you are either wearing something odd or you have altered your appearance so that no one actually recognizes you
What appears to be one's natural self, is more often an invisible "disguise" you adopt to make yourself feel belonged somewhere. You wear a disguise when you go to work, disguise when you are in school, even a disguise when you're with some of your friends. One's natural true self is often hidden in front of almost everyone, accept for a few people who can see through that facade, they can easily crack that "disguise" and see through you.
How transparent you are as a person, shows how brave and confident you are towards society, accepting your true self."
I stand in front of the mirror every morning and ask myself "WHAT DISGUISE AM I WEARING TODAY?",
Most of the days the ritual of asking myself this question isn't brought up as my body and my mind, my behavior patterns are just so accustomed to these multiple disguises I wear,
It all comes natural.
What appears to be one's natural self, is more often an invisible "disguise" you adopt to make yourself feel belonged somewhere. You wear a disguise when you go to work, disguise when you are in school, even a disguise when you're with some of your friends. One's natural true self is often hidden in front of almost everyone, accept for a few people who can see through that facade, they can easily crack that "disguise" and see through you.
How transparent you are as a person, shows how brave and confident you are towards society, accepting your true self."
I stand in front of the mirror every morning and ask myself "WHAT DISGUISE AM I WEARING TODAY?",
Most of the days the ritual of asking myself this question isn't brought up as my body and my mind, my behavior patterns are just so accustomed to these multiple disguises I wear,
It all comes natural.
This project explores the 4 different types of personality masks and their traits
People Pleaser's Mask
Humor Mask
Avoidant Personality Mask
Perfectionist's Mask